Gadiara: Best Weekend Trip 

Gadiara is the small village in the Howrah District of West Bengal.This is the place where three rivers the Damodar,the Rupnarayan and the Hoogli river have its convergence point.This was weekend trip of our udukku13 biker gang.This is the Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes  to Gadiara.

Gadiara On Map:

You can go to Gadiara by road from Kolkata. Its about 87 km. from likewise our gang udukku13 has completed this trip around one and a half an hour by bikes.Road is very smooth as you seen in Gadiara: Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes  in our Video.Here is geographical location of Gadiara on Map.

Gadiara: Things to do

Gadiara has spectacular view of sunrise and sunset at its waters of Damodar,hoogli and Rupnarayan rivers.You can take a walk along with the riverside you will feel definitely refreshing.You also can take a boat ride and enjoy the fun and calmness of waters.
Gadiara: Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes

Gadiara: Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes

Gadiara: Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes

Things to see Around Gadiara:

This place is full of scenic beauty. You can visit here if you want to skip the noise places of the city and regenerate energy of your soul and mind.there are lot of places to see around Gadiara like Bargbbhima Temple,Garchumuk,Ramkrishna Temple,Mahakuma Ravindra Bhawan and New Bijoli Cinema Temple. Friends this Place is a must visit place.
Gadiara: Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes

Gadiara: Best Weekend Road Trip on Bikes

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