Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip was a fabulous trip for us. This was our second big trip. There are a lot of things to see in Puri Odisha. During this bike trip to puri, we have seen a lot of things like Jagannath temple, chilika lake puri beach and many more. Let's start the journey.

Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip, Things to see in Puri Odisha

Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip was a memorable trip for all of us. This was the second big trip of our initial bike riding days as Udukku13. Before that, we don’t know that we can ride 520KM at a time. We start the trip on  27/09/17 at 6 AM. Our plan was to start at 4:30 to 5 AM, but the weather was against us. Heavy rain started at 4 AM. We were waiting for the rain to stop. At 5:50 AM rain had mercy on us and it slowed a  little bit and we started the bike in that cloudy and little rainy weather. We completed the whole trip like this.  

At the time of starting, we do not confident to hit Puri on the same day. But we did it, just because of our coordination and support, which is necessary for a successful bike trip. After starting we refreshed and had breakfast at the junction of WB and Odisha about 9:30 to 10 AM. After we again start the journey for Puri. This bike riding was not so good, because we were tired a lot,  and felt sleepiness at the time of riding. We rode in this condition till Balasore and then we stopped the bike and took little rest, with some sweet syrup called tea, for half an hour. This half an hour refreshed our souls and again we were ready to feel the fun of speed riding. At 06:30 P.M. we were at the puri beach where the sunset was kissing the sands of the beach.

 During this Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip, I have learned one thing that doesn't eat heavy food because it will cause you laziness while riding a bike. This whole trip was full of memories because we have ride bikes in rainy weather and seeing a religious place puri is like dreams come true.

Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip on Map. 

The distance from Kolkata to puri is about 499 km and this map is showing car driving but on bikes, it will at least 2-3 lesser time to reach there. for further navigation you can scroll on the given map you will find all the details on the map.


Things to see in Puri Odisha:

There are lot of things to see in puri, Odisha. this place is heaven for the religious people as well as for people who wants to see the scenic natural beauty. There are a lot of places around puri city but I will tell you the places which I explored during my Kolkata to puri bike trip.

  • Puri Beach:  This beach is the best coastline of the Bay of Bengal with the sun shines on the crystal clear water of the beach. This is around 35 km away from the sun temple. This place is ideal for the people who want to spend their holiday around the coastal waters.

  • Sri Jagannath Puri Temple:  This temple is one of the most religious monuments of Odisha. This temple was built by Ananta Varman Chodaganga Deva of the Ganga dynasty. This place is the home for Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Balabhadra. this is the main pilgrimage site for the Hindus and is also a part of CHAR DHAM yatra.
Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip, Things to see in Puri Odisha
  • Chilika Lake:  This lake is one of the biggest saltwater lake among the lakes.  This is around 50km away from the puri. this lake is one of the major tourist attractions of Odisha. This lake and landscape around is full of lush greenery.this also has an island full of Trees.

  • Raghurajpur artistic Village: This village is near puri and famous for its heritage crafts. This village is famous for its pattachitra paintings as well as palm trees engravings, stone and wood carvings, and gotipua folk dance.

Kolkata to Puri Bike Trip, Things to see in Puri OdishaKolkata to Puri Bike Trip, Things to see in Puri Odisha


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