Rajgir is situated in the state of Bihar and has its own historical importance. This place is in the district of Nalanda. The land of Rajgir was the workplace for Lord Buddha. This place was known earlier for its royal importance. Rajgir Travel Guide by Udukku13 will show you the top places to visit in Rajgir, India.

Rajgir Travel Guide I Top Places to Visit in Rajgir, India. Bike Trip to Rajgir, India from Kolkata by Udukku13

Our experience of this bike trip to Rajgir:- 

One fine morning in the chilled weather of  December, a team of four guys of Udukku13 starts the bike towards Rajgir. We four Anirban (me), Argha (My pillion), Hiron (on another bike), Rajesh (Hiron's pillion). There were two bikes one is  Classic 350 and the other was CBR250. Early in the morning, we started our journey from Kolkata. We rode bikes through NH 12. To reach Rajgir, there are two interstate borders. One is between West Bengal and Jharkhand and the other is between Jharkhand and Bihar. We cross three legendary places on the way, first is Giridi where prof Sanku's home, second is Kobra Hillis where the Indian army training camp is situated and third is Jhumritalia. When we were crossing Jhumratalia, the night was on upon us and the entire road was totally empty. No men, no house and nor a sign of life, We were scared that if our bike broke down or anything else what we gonna do, anyhow Udukku13 reached the destination, Rajgir, at 8:30 pm the next day after all hurdles. On the next day we visited Nalanda University for a holiday and in the evening we back to the hotel. On the third day, we decided to gather experience with a "Tanga" and visited some nearby places and we did it. Another experience in Shanti Stupa by rope-way.

The fourth day we start the journey to Maithon through Buddha Gaya. This was a great experience and inner peace at Lord Buddha Temple(I will discuss these places in detail below) and these places are top places to visit in Rajgir, India, and then we reached Maithon in the evening. We stay at Maithon for that night and the next day we got back to our home at Kolkata.

This is our youtube video click here to watch live experience of Rajgir bike trip from Kolkata.

Kolkata to Rajgir Distance, Duration, driving directions and Rajgir on Google Maps

The road distance from Kolkata to Rajgir is 498 km. And you can visit there by govt transport like bus it will take around 10-12 hrs. Udukku13 was having the fun of bike riding and visiting places in between the place so it took more time to reach there. But on the bike, if you drive to continue it will take around 8-9 hrs to reach Rajgir. As I have discussed earlier that we have crossed two interstate borders of Jharkhand and Bihar via NH12. Below you can check all the duration, driving direction for Rajgir from Kolkata on Google Maps.

Top Places to Visit in Rajgir, India

Nalanda University:-

Nalanda University is located in the historical place Rajgir in Bihar. this is a university for research-intensive, Master's Degree and international university supported by East Asia summit countries. The act of parliament established it in support of the ancient university of Nalanda. Ancient university was founded in the 5th century and functioned till the 13th century. Nowadays this university offers various programs about Buddhist, ecology, environment and historical studies.

Viswa Shanti Stupa(World Peace Pagoda):-

Viswa Shanti Stupa(World Peace Pagoda) an ancient famous pilgrim for buddha. This white beautiful stupa shows four phases of Buddha's life Trough four statues of lord buddha which is golden. This stupa is situated in the Ratnagiri hills in the Rajgir. A Japanese Buddhist monk, Nippozan Myohoji built this stupa in 1969. This stupa is considered a symbol of peace and harmony and the world's tallest peace pagoda.

Mahabodhi Temple(Great Awakening Temple):-

Mahabodhi Temple(Great Awakening Temple) is an ancient temple where it is said that Lord Buddha has attained enlightenment. this temple is ancient but rebuild and restored many times. But this is the place where you really feel the calm in your mind and body. This place is about 96km from Patna, Bihar State in India.

Cyclopean Walls:-

Rajgir Travel Guide I Top Places to Visit in Rajgir, India - Udukku13
Cyclopean Walls
Cyclopean walls are made for encircling the old Rajgir and its 40km long around Rajgir. It was build during the Maurya period. These walls are made up of Raw stones. Nowadays it is not in its original form but still, it attracts tourists towards it.

Ajatshatru Fort:-

Ajatshatru Fort was build during the 6th century by Magadha King, Ajatshatru during Lord Buddha's time. This fort contains various stupas which are also known as Ajatshatru Stupas. This Fort is an example of architectural beauty. Especially gigantic stone towers and high walls attract tourists so much.

Rajgir is the best example of the connection between ancient India and today modern India. Here you can learn about Hinduism, Buddhisms & Jainism.it is certainly a major tourist attraction in India to learn about ancient India. And if you planning to go to Rajgir from Kolkata on bikes you will get an unforgettable experience and you can also ask about anything regarding this trip from Udukku13 by using our contact us page.

Caution- Always wear Helmets while riding Bikes.

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