This was our second last and last day of our Trip to Vizag on Bikes while we were returning from the Vizag. We were halted at Bhubaneswar for one night. This place is so good to stay there are a lot of Things To See In Bhubaneswar. Bheemili beach is a very nice beach in Bhubaneswar.

Things To See In Vizag; Bheemili Beach;Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day

This was our last day of the tour while we were returning from the Vizag and we had a night stay at Bheemili beach and the experience we experienced at the beach was awesome. If you want to experience Vizag in full just click here to see the full 06 days experience of Trip to Vizag on Bikes,
an unforgettable experience. Here is our last day video of our trip you can have a glance here to see the beauty of speeding with the iconic view of Vizag and Bheemili beach is garnishing the tour with its coastal beauty.

Bheemili Beach on Map:  Bheemili beach is 32kms from Vizag and it is very easy to reach there just click below on the map to find out the exact driving directions and timing to reach the bheemili beach.

How to Reach Bheemili Beach

Things To See In Vizag; Bheemili Beach;Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day

Bike riding and driving car to bheemili beach is the best possible way to reach there from Vizag.
You can also take an auto from Vizag but sitting in this around 30 km will not the best thing you do.
so here are three popular ways to reach there-
- Bike riding from Vizag
-Rent a cab from Vizag
- Use public transport from Vizag to bheemunipatnam

Things to do in Bheemili Beach 
Things To See In Vizag; Bheemili Beach;Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day

Watch Sunrise: You can have a glimpse of sunrise early in the morning with local fisherman activities on the beach. you will not regret it in any way.

Dutch Cemetery

Bheemunipatnam is one of the oldest municipalities in India. This place is full of old dutch bungalows and the main attraction is 17th-century ruins of a fort and cemetery.hollanders green has some tombs with embedded skull and crossbones motifs of the pirates. This is also called pirates cemetery.

Line Up Statues
Things To See In Vizag; Bheemili Beach;Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day

Things To See In Vizag; Bheemili Beach;Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day

There are statuses lined up in the concrete pathway to hold the statues along with the beach. These statues are consist of Buddha, Five Pandavas, and dinosaur.

Other Main Attractions
-Nice Light House
-St. Peters Church
-Clock Tower
Things To See In Vizag; Bheemili Beach;Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day

Friends it took us to explore Vizag in 06 days it was our Trip to Vizag on Bikes Last day and we have enjoyed it in bheemili beach. There are a lot of things to see in Vizag so once in a lifetime you must visit the Vizag you will surely enjoy it. For more information about other places, you can click here on our websites.

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